Version 4.4 =========== -New: Support ptc-tools 2.2 version. -Fix: Maximal link count from 100 to 1000. Version 4.3 =========== - Fix: Some fix done. - New: PilotMAG command line parameters, Use: PilotMAG ProjectFile.ppp [-?][-g] -? Help message. -g Generate resource file and resource header. Version 4.2 =========== - New: Much faster forms loading. - Fix: Table control display fixed to one pixel in.. - New: INTEGER resource type to support PILRC(2.7b) - New: GRAPHICAL type for BUTTON,PUSHBUTTON,POPTRIGGER,SELECTORTRIGGER, REPEATBUTTON for PILRC(2.7b) - New: LAUNCHERCATEGORY resource type to support PILRC(2.7b) - New: New Application Header form, with icon preview. - New: Multi line label control support. - New: Added command line parameter to PilotMAG. Parameter could be project name (*.ppp). Version 4.1 =========== - New: Find In Files routine (Shift-F3) - New: Execute command on Output window (Shift-Esc). Two way pipe is not supported. - Fix: Inspector checking routine improvement. - Fix: Changing Menu Identifier does not regenerate resource header file. Fixed. - New: On make, Checking dependant on headers now 10 level deep. - Fix: Switching try code/header sometimes switch wrong. Fixed. - Fix: Invalid date encode for files saved as "Save As". Fixed. Version 4.0 =========== Version 3.7.8 ============= - New: Integration with Palm Debugger (tested on version 3.5H) - New: Added "Path" tab to PilotMAG Environment Options. User can now set path to PILRC and GCC. Autoexec.bat PATH is not needed any more with proper installation of prc-tools and mount-ing folders. Please see prc-tools 20 installation text. Version 3.7.8 ============= - New: Open Source/Header File in editor. Switch between Source an header with same name. Switch with (Shift-F6) - Fix: Fixed replace bug with same search/replace text without match case. - Fix: Bitmap creation display wrong color of bitmaps. Fixed. - New: Menu Resource Design: Select menu by keyboard (Up,Down,Left,Right) - New: Menu Resource Design: Move menu Items and menu Popup by keyboard (Ctrl-Up,Ctrl-Down,Ctrl-Left,Ctrl-Right) - Fix: Building with "Multiple code resource" now is not dependant of Project Name. "Project name" could now be different than "Program name" (Application header) - Imp: Added -o options to build-prc statement to support Handspring prc-tools. Version 3.7.7 ============= - New: Color display of resources. User now can switch between Color and BW, from PilotMAG setup. New predefined colors palette for design resource. - New: User can now change Editors Tab Size. - New: Added shortcut to Main menu Replace (Ctrl-R); - New: User can now switch try Editor Pages Next(Ctrl-W) and Previous(Ctrl-Q) Version 3.7.6 ============= - Fix: Editor Search/Replace fixed - Fix: Splitting long line in Hex resource Version 3.7.4 ============= - New: Ctrl-S save editor file. - New: Improvement MAKE options. Make now check auto dependant headers file (one level), and compile source (unit) if one of his header younger than him. PilotMAG check only project header which are braked with "" (#include "file.ext"), but does not check system header braked with <> (#include ) PilotMAG also check does any resource changed. If resource are changed he generate and compile resource. In this case he also compile all units which have included resource header file. - New: Editor double click select a word. - New: Editor Find/Replace routine now initially search for selected text if any. If no selected text he search for word at cursor. Both options work only if "Search on cursor" options in setup are checked. - New: "Esc" key now does not clear selected text. Version 3.7.3 ============= - New: User can now move project item in project window. Call popup menu on project window. Move Up,Down,Top,Bottom. Main unit can't be moved and all resource files. - New: Added support for mouse wheel in PilotMAG editor. Up/Down 3 line, or with Control(CTRL) scroll page Up/Down - New: Remove Shortcuts for creating resource like (Ctrl-C which create new Category) Possible overwriting Editor Shortcuts. Version 3.7.2 ============= - New: Bitmap family Preview. Bitmap display all four (family picture). New design - Fix: Color Bitmap now display correctly Palette. - Fix: Resource HEX and DATA are not any more "junk" resource type. User can now define own type. Version 3.7.1 ============= - Fix: Braking long line on string edit is fixed and removed extra char. - Fix: String Table long line bug is fixed. - Fix: Table resource on form now display correctly one pixel inner. - New: Properties window now go directly to edit mode when user click on desired item property. Version 3.7 =========== - Fix: Toolbar "New File" now correctly open new file. - Fix: Compilation under "Multiple Code Resource" if ProgramName different than Project name PilotMAG can't build program. - New: Print source code. - New: Pilrc 2.5c support with new resource type: STRINGTABLE, HEX, DATA. Version 3.6 =========== - Fix: Mouse Click on Bitmap now by pass empty picture in Bitmap family. - New: TRANSPARENT and TRANSPARENTINDEX aded to ICONFAMILY and SMALLICONFAMILY - Add: Bitmap NOCOMPRESS is default for PILRC. Not generated any more. - Add: COLORTABLE adeded for Bitmap. Only for Family and Color Bitmap. - New: TRANSPARENT and TRANSPARENTINDEX aded to BITMAP and BITMAPFAMILY - Fix: Compiler parameter (2 pass/part two) in Multi segment code need extra space - New: Toolbar icon for open project. Version 3.4 =========== - Fix: Alert preview now correctly display special character. - Fix: String preview now correctly display special character. - Fix: Preview now control illegal octal numbers and display '?' . - Fix: Default Form Button and Associated Trigger list lose contact if user switch to different node of project. Fixed. Version 3.3 =========== - Fix: Project marked changed when import resource from template - New: Added property DEFAULTBUTTON to Alert resource. - New: Added support for PILRC bitmap color extend: BITMAPGRAY, BITMAPGRAY16, BITMAPCOLOR, BITMAPFAMILY - New: Added support for PILRC icon color extend: ICONGRAY, ICONGRAY16, ICONCOLOR, ICONFAMILY - New: Added support for PILRC small icon color extend: SMALLICONGRAY, SMALLICONGRAY16, SMALLICONCOLOR, SMALLICONFAMILY - New: User defined resource. User can now merge his own resource with resource defined and auto generated by PilotMAG. Some users desperately need translations in PilotMAG. This options is useful for that and all anther kind of resource which PilotMAG does not support. Version 3.2 =========== - Fix: Fixed some prc-tools 2.0 error tracking. - New: Editors font width now is tiny if no any bold char in color schemas - New: Build in, new Editor font (look nice). - New: User can change a Output window font now, from Setup|Display tab - New: Icons on toolbar (new design). - New: Link program now do link and post linker (build-prc) together - Fix: Modal form without title now display correctly. - Fix: Size of button with no frame now display ok. - New: Form editor now can hide Un Usable Controls. (Ctrl-H) - Fix: String and Alert template form display fixed. - New: Add field control property HASSCROLLBAR. Only works with PILRC 2.5b1 This change PilotMAG project. No back Compatibility. - Fix: Alert with only one line of message text now display correctly. - Fix: Delete and move control by keyboards key does not made project modified. Fixed - New: Second GCC pass (link) now have two parameters line (Before and after objects). - Fix: Fixed limit on auto generated resource (32K) - New: Makefile . If user add "makefile" in extern node of PilotMAG project, extern make process will be called (for Make and Build command) instead standard PilotMAG calls. MAKE.EXE must be in path. - New: Added support for "Multiple code resources" Version 3.1 =========== - Fix: Font preview Access volition error - New: Font ID added in include file - Fix: Fixed error tracing GCC errors. Some GCC errors contain Unix style (0x0A) line break. - New: Changed Output window font to MS Sans Serif to accommodate long line errors - Fix: Fixed Auto ID creation during Import resource. - Fix: Fixed Cursor display after delete control. - New: New memo text editor in Control Property, Allowing larger lines and reduce new line character in every line. Now treat like paragraph. - Fix: Directory position lost after PDF Help Call - New: Support for prc-tools 2.0 Version 3.0 =========== - Custom fonts - Object inspector compact - Image functions font as int - Custom Fonts Preview - Remove Category sort Version 2.8.9 ============= - Fix: Fixed wrong drawing when displaying Button with NonBoldFrame=false - Upd: Menu now got a style like Palm OS 3.x - Upd: Automatic generated Resource now split long lines and allow easily view in editor - Fix: Extern node open file lost current directory. - New: Pipe redirection is rewritten. Now works ok with resident virus checker. - Upd: Selector picker now got clever resizing and moving Version 2.8.8 ============= - Fix: Project format converter, fix error when has some fill spaces string - Fix: Form design calls from main menu &Edit - Fix: Menu design calls main menu &Edit - Fix: Selecting design form and unselect up node produce error when form control is selected. Fixed - Fix: Editor track control open object file in editor. Fixed. - Fix: Template form which contain bitmap lose current directory and produce error opening next template. Version 2.8.5 ============= - New: Project format - Bug: Fixed bug on (String, Alert, Category, list in forms) with long string - Bug: controls type in property drop down list multiply form. - Fix: Editor open again a file witch have a error - New: Add shortcuts to project window. - New: Add shortcuts to form design window. - New: Keyboard controls on form design. Easy Move controls with Ctrl+Arrow Easy Resize controls with Shift+Arrow Easy Move & Resize controls with Ctrl+Shift+Arrow - New: User can now choice to move controls on a form Relative or Absolute with a forms origin. - New: User now can change grid size in form design mode, and also change a type of grid (point or rectangle according zoom state) Version 2.8.1 ============= - Fix: SaveAs now change syntax highlighting if file saved with colored extension - New: Shortcut to GoTo next/previous error in editor (Ctrl-E/Shift-Ctrl-E) - New: Error line is not any more selected text. color of this lime can be customized by user. - New: Error tracking now recognize Unix style file - New: Palm OS Documentation call support new 3.3 version - Fix: Fixed some property editor bugs. - Upd: SaveAs project does not any more change a name of main unit file. - Upd: Pipe now work flexible - New: PRC Program name now took name from Application Header program name. Version 2.8 =========== - New: Display controls type in property drop down list. User can switch this options in setup dialog box. - New: PilotMAG now support long file names with spaces. - Editor: Fix some problems with Auto Indent. - Help: Easy call for Acrobat readers Palm OS documentation. - Display: User now can customize design colors. - Fix: Editor Paste over selected text does not delete selected text. Fixed. - Fix: When template menu include in project, PilotMAG lost path for bitmaps if bitmaps saved just with name (no Path) - Fix: Error when closing PilotMAG program (if he maximized) on open (menu,alert,string,category) windows. Fixed. - New: Editor support for Bookmarks. - New: Support C++. User now can mix C++ and C code in PilotMAG project - New: Editor can now save files in Unix style \r\n -> \n. Very useful for debugger (GDB) - New: Long file names project and files with spaces. Version 2.7.3 ============= - Fix: Fixed bug on linked control. Linked control like Trigger lost his associated list control. Version 2.7 =========== - Fix: Fixed bug on list buf length. Now support 32K - New: PilotMAG automatically convent project version file to new one - New: Category support for PILRC version 2.3x - Fix: Editor backspace key now delete selected text if exist - Fix: Editor Ctrl-N key now delete selected text first if exist - Fix: Editor Ctrl-T key now clear selected text first if exist - Fix: Editor Ctrl-Y key now clear selected text first if exist - Fix: Editor mouse select text - Fix: Editor backslash in quotes now repaint in correct color - Fix: Editor Open file at cursor,now open file only in current directory Version 2.6.5 =========== - Fix: Editor now can draw some special international characters - Fix: Error when loading old version projects. PilotMAG now automaticly update old project to new project format. Version 2.6.4 =========== - Fix: Version ID is now set automaticly on number 1. - Fix: Empty list resource (whithout any text) produce a PILRC Error. - Fix: File afther compilation unnessesary loaded again. No need becouse the Changed files are alredy saved. - New: PILRC support for TRAP - New: PILRC support for SMALLICON (15x9) for Palm OS 30. User need a pilrc 2.3 version - New: User choise of Start Auto ID. Version 2.6.3 =========== - Editor New. Undo shortcut Alt-Backspace - Editor New. Cut shortcut Shift-Del - Fix bug switching between forms and project header. - On delete resource close all open resource fix - Font dialog: Fix octal numbers - Fix some typo English - Editor: Fix some comment high lighting - Finally: Fix a sometimes bug on closing project PilotMAG. - Add: Beep on compiler completion - Add: Message on compiler errors - Add: All Bitmap resource name as full path or not Version 2.6 =========== - Editor Fix. Copy if you select from bottom to top it not work; - Editor Fix. On paste did not repaint screeen ok. - Editor New. Ctrl-Y = Delete Curr line - Editor New. Ctrl-N = Insert New empty Line